Germán Puebla
Associate Professor (Profesor Titular de Universidad)Department of Programming Languages and Systems, School of Computer Science
Technical University of Madrid, Spain
Research Interests
My research interests include program analysis, transformation, and verification. Currently, I am active in mobile code security, proof-carrying code, resource analysis and partial evaluation.Current and Former PhD Students
- Md. Abu Naser Masud. Termination and Cost Analysis: Complexity and Precision Issues. February 6, 2013. Co-supervised with Samir Genaim
- Guillermo Román-Díez. Advanced Topics in Resource Analysis: Certification, Incrementality, Concurrency and Array-Sensitivity. December 3, 2012. Co-supervised with Elvira Albert
- Diana Ramírez-Deantes. Modular and Field-Sensitive Termination Analysis of Java Bytecode. June 3 2011. Now Coordinator of Political and Technological Studies, at Guanajuato State Council of Science and Technology, Mexico.
- Jesús Correas. Analysis and Verification of Modular Programs. June 13 2008. Now Profesor Colaborador at Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
- Claudio Ochoa. Poly-Controlled Partial Evaluation and its Application to Resource Aware Specialization. 10 April 2007. Now working at Intel, Argentina.
If you are a good Computer Science student (2nd year onward) and you are interested in (possibly funded) collaboration in the above mentioned topics please contact me at the following address:Address
Germán PueblaOffice D-2305
Facultad de Informática
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
28660 Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain
(+34) 91 336 7453 / (+34) 91 336 3669
german (AT) fi.upm.es