COSTA: COSt and Termination Analyzer for Java Bytecode

import java.lang.Math;
import java.util.Enumeration;

 * A class used to representing particles in the N-body simulation.
final class Body extends Node
  MathVector vel;
  MathVector acc;
  MathVector newAcc;
  double     phi;

   Body next;
   Body procNext;

   * Create an empty body.
    vel      = new MathVector();
    acc      = new MathVector();
    newAcc   = new MathVector();
    phi      = 0.0;
    next     = null;
    procNext = null;

   * Set the next body in the list.
   * @param n the body
  final void setNext(Body n)
    next = n;

   * Get the next body in the list.
   * @return the next body
  final Body getNext()
    return next;

   * Set the next body in the list.
   * @param n the body
  final void setProcNext(Body n)
    procNext = n;

   * Get the next body in the list.
   * @return the next body
  final Body getProcNext()
    return procNext;

   * Enlarge cubical "box", salvaging existing tree structure.
   * @param tree the root of the tree.
   * @param nsteps the current time step
  final void expandBox(Tree tree, int nsteps)
    MathVector rmid = new MathVector();

    boolean inbox = icTest(tree);
    //  while (!inbox) {
      double rsize = tree.rsize;
      rmid.addScalar(tree.rmin, 0.5 * rsize);
      for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) {
	if (pos.value(k) < rmid.value(k)) {
	  double rmin = tree.rmin.value(k);
	  tree.rmin.value(k, rmin - rsize);
      tree.rsize = 2.0 * rsize;
      if (tree.root != null) {
	MathVector ic = tree.intcoord(rmid);
	if (ic == null) throw new Error("Value is out of bounds");
	int k = oldSubindex(ic, IMAX >> 1);
	Cell newt = new Cell();
	newt.subp[k] = tree.root;
	tree.root = newt;
	//	inbox = icTest(tree);
	//	   }

   * Check the bounds of the body and return true if it isn't in the
   * correct bounds.
  final boolean icTest(Tree tree)
    double pos0 = pos.value(0);
    double pos1 = pos.value(1);
    double pos2 = pos.value(2);
    // by default, it is in bounds
    boolean result = true;

    double xsc = (pos0 - tree.rmin.value(0)) / tree.rsize;
    if (!(0.0 < xsc && xsc < 1.0)) {
      result = false;

    xsc = (pos1 - tree.rmin.value(1)) / tree.rsize;
    if (!(0.0 < xsc && xsc < 1.0)) {
      result = false;

    xsc = (pos2 - tree.rmin.value(2)) / tree.rsize;
    if (!(0.0 < xsc && xsc < 1.0)) {
      result = false;

    return result;

   * Descend Tree and insert particle.  We're at a body so we need to
   * create a cell and attach this body to the cell.
   * @param p the body to insert
   * @param xpic
   * @param l 
   * @param tree the root of the data structure
   * @return the subtree with the new body inserted
    final Node loadTree(Body p, MathVector xpic, int l, Tree tree)
    // create a Cell
      /* Cell retval = new Cell();
    int si = subindex(tree, l);
    // attach this Body node to the cell
    retval.subp[si] = this;

    // move down one level
    si = oldSubindex(xpic, l);
    Node rt = retval.subp[si];
    if (rt != null) 
	retval.subp[si] = rt.loadTree(p, xpic, l >> 1, tree);
      retval.subp[si] = p;
    return retval;
      return null;

   * Descend tree finding center of mass coordinates
   * @return the mass of this node
  final double hackcofm()
    return mass;

   * Return an enumeration of the bodies
   * @return an enumeration of the bodies
  final Enumeration elements()
    // a local class that implements the enumerator
    class Enumerate implements Enumeration {
      private Body current;
      public Enumerate() { this.current = Body.this; }
      public boolean hasMoreElements() { return (current != null);  }
      public Object nextElement() {
	Object retval = current;
	current =;
	return retval;
    return new Enumerate();

  final Enumeration elementsRev()
    // a local class that implements the enumerator
    class Enumerate implements Enumeration {
      private Body current;
      public Enumerate() { this.current = Body.this; }
      public boolean hasMoreElements() {  return (current != null);  }
      public Object nextElement() {
	Object retval = current;
	current = current.procNext;
	return retval;

    return new Enumerate();

   * Determine which subcell to select.
   * Combination of intcoord and oldSubindex.
   * @param t the root of the tree
  final int subindex(Tree tree, int l)
    MathVector xp = new MathVector();

    double xsc = (pos.value(0) - tree.rmin.value(0)) / tree.rsize;
    xp.value(0, Math.floor(IMAX * xsc));

    xsc = (pos.value(1) - tree.rmin.value(1)) / tree.rsize;
    xp.value(1, Math.floor(IMAX * xsc));

    xsc = (pos.value(2) - tree.rmin.value(2)) / tree.rsize;
    xp.value(2, Math.floor(IMAX * xsc));

    int i = 0;
    for (int k = 0; k < MathVector.NDIM; k++) {
      if (((int)xp.value(k) & l) != 0) {
	i += Cell.NSUB >> (k + 1);
    return i;

   * Evaluate gravitational field on the body.
   * The original olden version calls a routine named "walkscan",
   * but we use the same name that is in the Barnes code.
  final void hackGravity(double rsize, Node root)
    MathVector pos0 = (MathVector)pos.clone();

    HG hg = new HG(this, pos);
    hg = root.walkSubTree(rsize * rsize, hg);
    phi = hg.phi0;
    newAcc = hg.acc0;

   * Recursively walk the tree to do hackwalk calculation
  final HG walkSubTree(double dsq, HG hg)
    if (this != hg.pskip)
      hg = gravSub(hg);
    return hg;

   * Return a string represenation of a body.
   * @return a string represenation of a body.
  public String toString()
    return "Body " + super.toString();