COSTA: COSt and Termination Analyzer for Java Bytecode

 * A class representing a three dimensional vector that implements
 * several math operations.  To improve speed we implement the
 * vector as an array of doubles rather than use the exising
 * code in the java.util.Vector class.
class MathVector implements Cloneable
   * The number of dimensions in the vector
  public final static int NDIM = 3;
   * An array containing the values in the vector.
  private double data[];

   * Construct an empty 3 dimensional vector for use in Barnes-Hut algorithm.
    data = new double[NDIM];
    for (int i=0; i < NDIM; i++) {
      data[i] = 0.0;

    MathVector(double[] d){
	data = d;

   * Create a copy of the vector.
   * @return a clone of the math vector
  public Object clone() 
    try {
      MathVector v = (MathVector)super.clone(); = new double[NDIM];
      for (int i = 0; i < NDIM; i++)[i] = data[i];
      return v;
    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
      throw new Error();

   * Create a copy of the vector.
   * @return a clone of the math vector
    public Object clone(){
	//MathVector v = new MathVector();
	double[] d = new double[NDIM]; 
	for (int i = 0; i < NDIM; i++)
	    d[i] = data[i];
	return new MathVector(d);	    
	//return v;

   * Return the value at the i'th index of the vector.
   * @param i the vector index 
   * @return the value at the i'th index of the vector.
  final double value(int i)
    return data[i];

   * Set the value of the i'th index of the vector.
   * @param i the vector index
   * @param v the value to store
  final void value(int i, double v)
    data[i] = v;

   * Set one of the dimensions of the vector to 1.0
   * param j the dimension to set.
  final void unit(int j)
    for (int i=0; i < NDIM; i++) {
      data[i] = (i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0);

   * Add two vectors and the result is placed in this vector.
   * @param u the other operand of the addition
  final void addition(MathVector u)
    for (int i=0; i < NDIM; i++) {
      data[i] +=[i];

   * Subtract two vectors and the result is placed in this vector.
   * This vector contain the first operand.
   * @param u the other operand of the subtraction.
  final void subtraction(MathVector u)
    for (int i=0; i < NDIM; i++) {
      data[i] -=[i];

   * Subtract two vectors and the result is placed in this vector.
   * @param u the first operand of the subtraction.
   * @param v the second opernd of the subtraction
  final void subtraction(MathVector u, MathVector v)
    for (int i=0; i < NDIM; i++) {
      data[i] =[i] -[i];

   * Multiply the vector times a scalar.
   * @param s the scalar value
  final void multScalar(double s)
    for (int i=0; i < NDIM; i++) {
      data[i] *= s;

   * Multiply the vector times a scalar and place the result in this vector.
   * @param u the vector
   * @param s the scalar value
  final void multScalar(MathVector u, double s)
    for (int i=0; i < NDIM; i++) {
      data[i] =[i] * s;

   * Divide each element of the vector by a scalar value.
   * @param s the scalar value.
  final void divScalar(double s)
    for (int i=0; i < NDIM; i++) {
      data[i] /= s;

   * Return the dot product of a vector.
   * @return the dot product of a vector.
  final double dotProduct()
    double s = 0.0;
    for (int i=0; i < NDIM; i++) {
      s += data[i] * data[i];
    return s;

  final double absolute()
    double tmp = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < NDIM; i++) {
      tmp += data[i] * data[i];
    return Math.sqrt(tmp);

  final double distance(MathVector v)
    double tmp = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < NDIM; i++) {
      tmp += ((data[i] -[i]) * (data[i] -[i]));
    return Math.sqrt(tmp);

  final void crossProduct(MathVector u, MathVector w)
    data[0] =[1] *[2] -[2]*[1];
    data[1] =[2] *[0] -[0]*[2];
    data[2] =[0] *[1] -[1]*[0];

  final void incrementalAdd(MathVector u)
    for (int i = 0; i < NDIM; i++) {
      data[i] +=[i];

  final void incrementalSub(MathVector u)
    for (int i = 0; i < NDIM; i++) {
      data[i] -=[i];

  final void incrementalMultScalar(double s) 
    for (int i=0; i < NDIM; i++) {
      data[i] *= s;

  final void incrementalDivScalar(double s)
    for (int i=0; i < NDIM; i++) {
      data[i] /= s;

   * Add a scalar to each element in the vector and put the
   * result in this vector.
   * @param u a vector
   * @param s the scalar
  final void addScalar(MathVector u, double s) 
    for (int i = 0; i < NDIM; i++) {
      data[i] =[i] + s;

   * Return the string representation of the vector
  public String toString()
    StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
    for (int i = 0; i < NDIM; i++) {
      s.append(data[i] + " ");
    return s.toString();