Installing the Common COSTA Team Configuration
In order to install the common configuration, you need to perform the following steps:
Custom Files
Step 1: Check out the custom files repository
svn co ~/Custom-files/Config
Step 2: Proceed with the instructions in ~/Custom-files/Config/README
Ubuntu Configuration
Execute the file ~/Custom-files/Config/bin/ubuntu-packages
Shell Configuration
There are two possibilities for this, either to install bash or tcsh
Installing Bash (The GNU Bourne Again Shell)
It comes by default in Ubuntu, most of GNU/Linux distros and Mac OS (post 10.4)
Step 1: Open the file ~/.bashrc emacs ~/.bashrc
The file ~/.bashrc must begin with this lines:
. ~/Custom-files/Config/bashrc-common
# End of custom config
Installing tcsh (The Tenex C Shell (tcsh)
Though this shell doesn't come by default in Ubuntu, you should have installed it
already when executing the ubuntu-packages script.
Step 1: Open the file ~/.cshrc emacs ~/.cshrc
The file ~/.cshrc must begin with this line:
source ${HOME}/Custom-files/Config/cshrc-common
Step 2: Set tcsh as your shell:
sudo chsh -s /bin/tcsh
Step 3: Restart your session in order to make tcsh your running shell.
Note that you may add personal things in your .cshrc file such as:
setenv PRINTER jerico
Note that the installation of Costa will add certain lines, such as:
if ( $?PATH ) then
setenv PATH ${PATH}:~/Systems/costa/bin:~/Systems/costa/src/interfaces/shell
setenv PATH ~/Systems/costa/bin:~/Systems/costa/src/interfaces/shell endif
## end:costa
And similar lines will be added to .bashrc
SVN Configuration
Step 1: rm ~/.subversion/config
Step 2: ln -s ~/Custom-files/Config/svn/config ~/.subversion/config
EMACS Configuration
The file ~/.emacs must start with the line
(load-file "~/Custom-files/Config/emacs-common.el")
SWI-PROLOG Configuration
In the version 5.10.1 of Swi-Prolog, executing Costa randomly aborts after throwing a segmentation fault. Since this is the version of Swi-Prolog available in the repositories for Ubuntu 10.10 and 11.04, you should better remove (and avoid installing) the 5.10.1 version of the following packages:
- swi-prolog
- swi-prolog-x
- swi-prolog-nox
- swi-prolog-java
And install a different version, either 5.6 or 5.10.2. You can obtain the debian packages from You also need the libgmp10 package from