Installing COSTA from the Repository
In order to run COSTA, you will need to install PPL first.
PPL Configuration
Manual option
Step 1. Starting in your home directory, download a
source distribution of ppl, either ppl-1.1 (recommended) or
ppl-1.0, i.e., execute:
Step 2: execute cd /usr/local/src
Step 3: Become root by executing sudo -s
Step 4: execute umask 2
Step 5: move dowloaded file to current dir
mv ~/ppl-VERSION.tar.gz/ .
Step 6: uncompress and untar tarball tar xvfpz ppl-VERSION.tar.gz
Step 7: cd ppl-VERSION
Step 8: If you are using only SWI Prolog, go to 8a and if you plan to use both Ciao and SWI Prolog goto 8b
Step 8a:
execute ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-interfaces="cxx swi_prolog"
Step 8b: execute
--prefix=/usr/local --enable-interfaces="cxx ciao_prolog
Step 9: Build and install: execute the following (will take time)
make install
Step 10: Leave root mode in shell exit
Compiling PPL on MAC
This information was provided by Remy for compiling PPL on MAC, we should test it, and add more details, rephrase, etc. First you have to be sure that gmp and ppl are compiled in 32 bits (By default snow leopard compile everything to 64bits). To compile gmp in 32 bits, you have to set the environment variable ABI to 32. To compile ppl in 32 bits, you have to set the environment variable CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS to -m32. After trick in the same way as linux. I give you the command lines I used to make it work. Here I use gmp-4.3.2 ppl-0.10 and last ciao (It contains code to "easy" interface with ppl-0.10) I install gmp and ppl in ~/usr
for gmp-4.3.2 (ppl 0.10 do not work with gmp-5.x.x)$ make
$ make install
$ PATH=/Users/remy/usr/bin/:$PATH ./ciaosetup build
$ ./build/bin/ciaosh
Ciao 1.13.1-13306: Tue May 24 15:20:38 CEST 2011
Tue May 24 15:20:38 CEST 2011
?- use_module(library(ppl)).
?- ppl_version(X).
X = '0.10' ?
It shoud work with other version of gmp and ppl, if your ensure that they are compile in 32 bits.
Automatic repository-through option
This possibility is not uptodate now, so it is not recommended. Visit the site for installing PPL from an special repository.
COSTA Configuration
Step 1: svn co
Step 2:
cd ~/Systems/costa
Step 3:
COSTA-EXTRA Configuration
svn co ~/Systems/costa-extra