Reserach Projects
I have been active in the following research projects
- HATS -- Highly Adaptable and Trustworthy Software using Formal Methods. From 1/3/2009 until 28/2/2013). Financed by the European Commission [EU IST FET Programme. Integrated Project. Grant agreement #231620].
- DOVES -- Development Of Verifiable and Efficient Software. From 1/1/2009 until 31/12/2013. Financed by Ministro de Educación y Ciencia, España [MEC 2008-05624/TIN].
- Acción Integrada with the Roberto Giacobazzi -- Abstract Interpretation based Code Protection and Transformation. From 1/1/2009 until 31/12/2010. Financed by Ministro de Educación y Ciencia, España [HI2008-0153].
- Reasoning about Determinacy in Logic Programs. From 01/05/2006 until 30/04/2008. Financed by the Royal Society, UK (Joint International Project). Travel grant for visit exchange with Andy King.
- PROMESAS -- PROgrama en Métodos para el Desarrollo de Software Fiable, de Alta Calidad y Seguro. From 01/01/2006 until 31/12/2009. Financed by Comunidad de Madrid [CAM S-0505/TIC/0407].
- MERIT -- Métodos RIgurosos para sistemas software heTerogéneos y móviles. From 31/12/2005 until 30/12/2008. Financed by Ministro de Educación y Ciencia, España [MEC TIN2005-09207-C03-01].
- MOBIUS -- Mobility, Ubiquity, and Security. From 01/09/2005 until 31/08/2009. Financed by the European Commission [EU IST FET Programme. Integrated Project IST-15905].
- AIDA -- Abstract Interpretation Design and Applications. From 01/01/2005 until 31/12/2006. Financed by national Italian research funds.
- SPY-Mod -- Abstract Interpretation and Model Checking for the Verification of Embedded Systems. From 21/02/2003 until 20/02/2005. Financed by Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'universita e della ricerca (ITALIA).
- CoVeR -- Constraint-based Verification of Reactive Systems. From 01/12/2002 until 30/11/2003. Financed by Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'universita e della ricerca (ITALIA).
- RADIOWEB -- Automatic Generation of Web Sites for the Radio Broadcasting Industry. Form 01/01/1998 until 31/12/2000. Financed by the European Commission [ESPRIT EP 25562 / CICYT TIC98-1531-CE].