Latest news
  • New Publication at SAS'14 of Computer Programming01/06/2014
  • New Publication at Theoretical Computer Science01/02/2014
  • New publication at TACAS'1403/12/2013


  • ENVISAGE - Engineering Virtualized Services. From 1/10/2013 until 1/10/20163. Funded by EU under FP7 [FP7-ICT-610582].
  • VIVAC - Validation and Verification of Concurrent Applications. From 1/1/2013 until 31/12/205. Funded by Ministerio de Economiía y Competitividad, España [TIN2012-38137].
  • DOVES - Development Of Verifiable and Efficient Software. From 1/1/2009 until 31/12/2013. Funded by Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, España [MEC 2008-05624/TIN].
  • HATS - Highly Adaptable and Trustworthy Software using Formal Methods. From 1/3/2009 until 28/2/2013). Funded by the EU Commission [EU IST FET Programme. Integrated Project. Grant agreement #231620].
  • MOBIUS - Mobility, Ubiquity, and Security. From 01/09/2005 until 31/08/2009. Funded by the UE [EU IST FET Programme. Integrated Project IST-15905].