Web Interface
Write your ABS code in the text area:
//$id: Peertopeer.abs 5108 2010-07-17 20:14:12Z jschaefer $ module PeerToPeer; //type synonyms type Filename = String ; type Filenames = Set
; type Packet = String ; type File = List
; type Catalog = List
> ; def B mylookup
ms, A k) = // retrieve from the map case ms { InsertAssoc(Pair(k, y), _) => y; // InsertAssoc(_, tm) => lookup(tm, k); // Rewritten for aPET (to avoid having fresh vars in the nomatch not present in the match) InsertAssoc(Pair(_, _), tm) => mylookup(tm, k); }; // Application functions def Peer findServer(Filename file, Catalog catalog) = case catalog { Nil => null; Cons(Pair(server, files), rest) => case contains(files, file) { True => server; False => findServer(file, rest); }; }; interface Server { Filenames enquire(); Int getLength(Filename fId); Packet getPack(Filename fId, Int pNbr); } interface Peer extends Client, Server { Unit setAdmin(Network admin); Unit run(); } interface Network { List
getNeighbors(Peer caller); } interface DataBase { File getFile(Filename fId); Int getLength(Filename fId); Unit storeFile(Filename fId, File file); Filenames listFiles(); } interface Client { Unit reqFile(Server sId, Filename fId); } class DataBaseImpl(Map
dbT) implements DataBase { [dbT <= max(dbT)] File getFile(Filename fId) { return mylookup(dbT, fId); } [dbT <= max(dbT)] Int getLength(Filename fId) { return length(mylookup(dbT,fId)); } Unit storeFile(Filename fId, File file) { dbT = InsertAssoc(Pair(fId,file), dbT); } [dbT <= max(dbT)] Filenames listFiles() { return keys(dbT); } } class Node(DataBase db, Filename file) implements Peer { Catalog catalog = Nil; List
myNeighbors = Nil; Network admin = null; Unit run() { Fut
c ; Fut
> f; Server server; await admin != null; f = admin!getNeighbors(this); // Asynchronous call to admin [f <= max(myNeighbors)] await f?; myNeighbors = f.get; c = this!availFiles(myNeighbors); // Asynchronous call [c <= max(myNeighbors)][file <= max(file)][file >= 0] await c?; // Allow other peers to call in the meantime catalog = c.get; // Build the catalog server = findServer(file, catalog); // Find the server for the requested file if (server != null) { this.reqFile(server,file) ; // Download file } } Unit setAdmin(Network admin) { this.admin = admin; } Filenames enquire() { Fut
f ; f = db!listFiles(); await f?; return f.get; } Int getLength(Filename fId) { Fut
length ; length = db!getLength(fId); await length?; return length.get; } Packet getPack(Filename fId, Int pNbr) { File f = Nil; Fut
ff; ff = db!getFile(fId); await ff?; f = ff.get; return nth(f, pNbr); } Catalog availFiles (List
sList) { Catalog cat = Nil; Filenames fNames = EmptySet; Fut
fN; Catalog catList = Nil; Fut
cL; if (sList != Nil) { fN = head(sList)!enquire(); cL = this!availFiles(tail(sList)); [cL <= max(myNeighbors)] await fN? & cL?; catList = cL.get; fNames = fN.get; cat = appendright(catList, Pair(head(sList), fNames)); } return cat; } Unit reqFile(Server sId, Filename fId) { File file = Nil; Packet pack = ""; Int lth = 0; Fut
l1; Fut
l2; l1 = sId!getLength(fId); await l1?; lth = l1.get; while (lth > 0) { lth = lth - 1; // indexing is zero-based l2 = sId!getPack(fId, lth); [db <= max(db)] await l2?; pack = l2.get ; file = Cons(pack, file); } db!storeFile(fId, file); } } class OurTopology(Peer node0, Peer node1, Peer node2, Peer node3) implements Network { List
getNeighbors(Peer caller) { List
res = Nil; if (caller == node0) { res = list[node1, node2]; } if (caller == node1) { res = list[node3]; } if (caller == node2) { res = list[node0, node1, node3]; } if (caller == node3) { res = list[node0, node2]; } return res; } } { // Map
DataBase db0 = new local DataBaseImpl(map[Pair("file0", list["file", "from", "db0"])]); DataBase db1 = new local DataBaseImpl(map[Pair("file1", list["file", "from", "db1"])]); DataBase db2 = new local DataBaseImpl(map[Pair("file2", list["file", "from", "db2"])]); Peer node0 = new local Node(db0, "file2"); Peer node1 = new local Node(db1, "file2"); Peer node2 = new local Node(db2, "file0"); Peer node3 = new local Node(db2, "file1"); Network admin = new local OurTopology(node0, node1, node2, node3); node0!setAdmin(admin); node1!setAdmin(admin); node2!setAdmin(admin); node3!setAdmin(admin); Int i=0; while (i<5) { node0.run(); node1.run(); node2.run(); node3.run(); i=i+1; } }
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