Some Research Pointers

Participation in Research Projects

Ongoing and Upcoming Projects:

  • HATS (March 1, 2009 - Feb 28, 2013) [ EU ICT FET Programme. Integrated Project. Grant agreement #231620 ]
    "Highly Adaptable and Trustworthy Software using Formal Methods"
  • MOBIUS (Sep. 1, 2005 - Aug 31, 2009) [ EU IST FET Programme. Integrated Project IST-15905 ]
    "Mobility, Ubiquity and Security"
  • PROMESAS (Jan. 2006 - Dec. 2009) [CAM S-0505/TIC/0407]
    "Methods for the development of high-quality, safe, and reliable software"
    (Programa en metodos para el desarrollo de software fiable, de alta calidad y seguro)
  • MERIT / COMVERS (Oct. 2005 - Oct. 2008) [MEC TIN2005-09207-C03-01]
    "Resource-Aware, Verifiable Mobile Computing"
    (Computación móvil verificable y consciente de los recursos)

Research Networks, Training Networks, Working Groups:

Completed Projects:

  • ASAP (November 1, 2002 - January 31, 2006) [ EU IST FET Programme Project Number IST-2001-38059 ]
    "Advanced Specialization and Analysis for Pervasive Systems"
    In collaboration with the Universities of Bristol (UK), Roskilde (Denmark), and Southampton (UK).
  • CUBICO (Dec. 2002 - Dec. 2005) [MCYT TIC 2002-0055]
    "Optimized Compilation Techniques for Pervasive Computation"
    (Computación UBIcua mediante técnicas de Compilación Optimizante).
  • AMOS (1 March 2002 - 31 May 2004) [ EU IST Programme Project Number IST-2001-34717 ]
    "Automated Matching of Open Source code"
    (Localización automática de código abierto)
    In collaboration with CONECTA (Italy).
  • ADELA (January 2001 - March 2003). [Acción Integrada MCYT HI2000-0043]
    "Advanced Development Environments for Logic Programs".
    (Entornos Avanzados de Desarrollo de Programas Lógicos).
    In collaboration with the Universities of Parma and Pisa (Italy).
  • EDIPIA (Dec. 1999 - Dec. 2002) [MCYT TIC 99-1151]
    "An Integrated Program Development Environment based on Abstract Interpretation"
    (Entorno de Desarrollo Integrado de Programas basado en la Interpretación Abstracta).
  • POCIMA (Nov. 2000 - May. 2001) [Funded by Motorola]
    "Porting Ciao to Mac OS X"
    (Adaptación de Ciao al sistema operativo Mac OS X).
  • COMPULOG NET II/III (1994 - 1999) [ESPRIT Network of Excellence P 7230/22554]
    "The Computational Logic Network"
  • RadioWeb (Jan. 1998 - Jan. 2000) [ESPRIT EP 25562]
    "Automatic Generation of Web Sites for the Radio Broadcasting Industry"
  • ELLA (Jun. 1996 - Jun. 1999) [CICYT TIC 96-1012-C02-01]
    "Extensions to Logic Languages for Advanced Applications"
  • ECCOSIC (Mar. 1998 - Mar. 1999) [Fulbright U.S.-Spain Science and Technology Exchange Program]
    "Efficient Concurrent Constraint Framework for Symbolic and Internet/WWW Computing"
  • DiSCiPl (Nov. 1996 - Jun. 1999) [ESPRIT LTR 22532]
    "Debugging Systems for Constraint Programming"
  • ParForce (Aug. 1992 - Jan. 1996) [ESPRIT BR 6707 / TIC93-0976-CE]
    "Parallel Formal Computing Environment"
  • IPL-D (Jun. 1993 - Jun. 1996) [CICYT TIC 93-0737-C02-01]
    "Parallel Implementation of Declarative Languages"
  • ACCLAIM (Sep. 1992 - Aug. 1995) [ESPRIT BR 7195 / TIC93-0975-CE]
    "Advanced Concurrent Constraint Languages: Application, Implementation, and Methodology"

Universities where I have stayed:

In addition to the the CLIP group at UPM, these are other universities where I have performed part of my research, together the professors with whom I have collaborated:

Seminars at Other Universities

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